Featured Programs – International Holocaust Remembrance Day
In honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Wednesday, January 27, the Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, Inc. is sharing and will feature the following online programs.

SMF: Escape to Ecuador: A Jewish Safe Haven
Eva Zelig‘s documentary An Unknown Country tells the story of European Jews who fled Nazi persecution to find refuge in an unlikely destination: Ecuador.

The Vilna Shul: Persona Non Grata: The Story of Chiune Sugihara
Join film director Cellin Gluck, Sugihara Diplomats for Life Foundation Chairman Linas Venclauskas, and Staci Rosenthal from Facing History & Ourselves for a discussion on the unknown story of Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat (sometimes called the Schindler of Japan).

Project Witness: The Jews of Italy During the Holocaust
Project Witness presents “The Jews of Italy During the Holocaust.”

USHMM: Communities of Hate: Why People Join Extremist Movements
From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: Amid a surge in antisemitic incidents more than 75 years after the Holocaust, join experts to learn what motivates people to join extremist groups