Interactive Student Awareness Days
The Holocaust Documentation and Education Center (HDEC) seeks to combat prejudice in our multicultural, ethnically diversified community by educating students and alerting them to the dangers of prejudice.
Because our mission is to provide educational resources and information regarding the authentic memory of the Holocaust, our Interactive Student Awareness Days (ISAD) are a vehicle toward this end.
ISADs are prejudice reduction symposia whereby hundreds of high school students at each program learn the dangers of racism, hatred and bigotry through videos, lectures and round-table discussions with Survivors of the Holocaust.
Each student and teacher who attends Interactive Student Awareness Days is provided with a free USB bracelet filled with educational resources on the Holocaust.

High school students from local public, private and parochial schools are invited to attend. Invitations are sent by the HDEC to principals and language arts and social studies teachers in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach schools. Since we have been providing these programs to schools for 38 years, the administrators and teachers are familiar with these significant educational experiences and encourage participation among their students.
Because character education and learning to respect one another is such an important part of what our schools teach, they work closely with us to ensure that as many of their students as possible attend Interactive Student Awareness Days. The HDEC has no academic or behavioral requirements for attendance and encourages students of all schools and backgrounds to participate.
This unique program educates future generations about the dangers of hatred, terror, and the threats against our democratic values and freedoms. By relating to the tragic, personal stories of Holocaust Survivors, students begin to understand that no one is immune to the evil and discrimination bestowed upon them by others.
Through Interactive Student Awareness Days, the HDEC encourages these students to learn to take a stand and become more vigilant and aware in their daily lives. They are taught the importance of standing up, speaking out and making a difference. Above all, our goal is for all students to realize that targeting one group targets all.
For additional information or questions, please call 954-929-5690 x 305 or
Interactive Student Awareness Days 2024
To download the most recent Student Awareness Day flyer please click here