The Jean & Jules Kluger
2022-2023 Annual Visual Arts & Writing Contest
Contest Theme:
“What lessons have you learnt from studying the Holocaust?”
Contest Dates:
October 1, 2022 – May 8, 2023
Who Can Participate?
Open to students throughout the country in grades K–12. All submissions must indicate name, grade, home phone, cell phone, email address (can be of parent/guardian), name of school, full school address, and teacher’s name and email address. Each entry must represent the original effort of the writer and/or artist.
The Overall Winner will receive a $100 cash prize and the First Place Winner in each category will receive a $100 cash prize. All entries will receive a Certificate of Merit. To view a full listing of 2021 – 2022 Contest Winners please click here.
Please submit high quality image or Word Document of your work to AdminAssistant@hdec.org
For additional information or questions, please call 954-929-5690 x 305 or email AdminAssistant@hdec.org
The Jean & Jules Kluger
2021-2022 Annual Visual Arts & Writing Contest
Contest Theme:
“What is the most important lesson you have learned from the Holocaust and why?”
Contest Dates:
September 8, 2021 – May 5, 2022
Who Can Participate?
Open to students throughout the country in grades K–12. All submissions must indicate name, grade, home phone, cell phone, email address (can be of parent/guardian), name of school, full school address, and teacher’s name and email address. Each entry must represent the original effort of the writer and/or artist.
The Overall Winner will receive a $100 cash prize and the First Place Winner in each category will receive a $50 cash prize. All entries will receive a Certificate of Merit. To view a full listing of 2020 – 2021 Contest Winners please click here.
Please submit high quality image or Word Document of your work to EduOutreach@hdec.org
For additional information or questions, please call 954-929-5690 x 304 or email EduOutreach@hdec.org

2021-2022 Annual
“A Simple Act of Kindness” Contest
Inspired by the novel Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde and the film of the same name, this contest asks students to examine how their actions affect others. The hero of the novel devises a plan to do something nice for three people. When asked how they can pay back his kindness, he tells them to “Pay It Forward” to three more people. This chain of passing along an act of kindness quickly multiplies, positively affecting a large number of people in a short time.
Contest Dates:
September 8, 2021 – May 5, 2022
Who Can Participate?
Open to students throughout the country in grades K–12. All submissions must indicate name, grade, home phone, cell phone, email address (can be of parent/guardian), name of school, full school address, and teacher’s name and email address. Each entry must represent the original effort of the writer and/or artist.
Winners will receive a $50 cash prize. All entries will receive a Certificate of Merit. To view a full listing of 2019 – 2020 Contest Winners please click here.
Please submit high quality image or Word Document of your work to EduOutreach@hdec.org
For additional information or questions, please call 954-929-5690 x 304
Download more information
on the The Jean & Jules Kluger Annual Visual Arts & Writing Contest for 2021-2022 and the 2020-2021 Annual
“A Simple Act of Kindness” Contest