Project Witness: The Jews of France During the Holocaust

Project Witness: The Jews of France During the Holocaust

As the Holocaust Documentation & Education Center continues to feature and offer a wide variety of topics on the Holocaust, today we are adding the following to our list from Project Witness: Program:  The Jews of France During the Holocaust Date:     ...
Discovery Education: The Children of Willesden Lane

Discovery Education: The Children of Willesden Lane

Honor Holocaust Education Week by joining students across Florida for this special event. Students and educators will experience a 45-minute livestreamed event including a theatrical performance and concert based on the best-selling book The Children of Willesden Lane.

3GNY: “All the Horrors of War”

3GNY: “All the Horrors of War”

All the Horrors of War, tells the remarkable stories of Rachel Genuth, a poor Jewish teenager from the Hungarian provinces, and Hugh Llewelyn Glyn Hughes, a high-ranking military doctor in the British Second Army.