Photo: Muriel Gardiner in 1934, the year she began her career in the Austrian resistance. Courtesy of Connie Harvey
She was a multimillionaire at age 11, but as she got older wanted no part of life as a socialite. Living in Vienna as the Nazis seized control, American Muriel Gardiner used her money, connections, and quick thinking to save lives. She lied to border agents, smuggled fake papers in her corset, provided safe haven for Jewish friends and strangers, and had her own close call with the Gestapo.

Later, from America, Muriel poured her heart and resources into helping Austrian refugees—though her husband got most of the credit.

You do not need a Facebook account to view the program. After the broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Facebook and YouTube pages. 
Request a reminder to join Museum experts as we commemorate Women’s History Month and learn about Muriel’s secret life.
Dr. Lindsay MacNeill, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial MuseumHost
Dr. Edna Friedberg, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum