Life & Legacy
Please join with us to endow the future of the Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, Inc. with a Life & Legacy commitment.

LIFE & LEGACY is a partnership of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF) and the Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, Inc.
(HDEC) that promotes after-lifetime giving to benefit our communities and to endow organizations such as the HDEC with the opportunity for present and future generations to carry on the Promise to Remember.
In one way or another our lives are rooted in our experiences connecting us to our communities. Chances are you already support organizations, but have you included these organizations in your will or estate plan? By leaving a legacy, you can assure that the traditions and institutions that mean so much to you today will exist for future generations.

All of us, regardless of age, wealth or affiliation, have the ability to leave a legacy.
Your legacy gift of any size can be customized and structured to fit your dreams, lifestyle, family and financial needs. You can provide support for a particular organization or area of interest.
Leaving a Legacy is Simple!
By leaving this Legacy, you will help promise that organizations such as ours the mean so much to you will exist for future generations.
You may consult your professional adviser to determine which method of legacy giving is best for you.
For further information on Life & Legacy please contact: Comptroller at: or Call us at 954-929-5690
Some options include:
- – Gift in a will or trust
- – Gift of life insurance
- – Gift of retirement funds
- – Gift of cash or assets
- – Charitable Gift Annuity
- – Charitable Remainder Trust
“Wealth may last a lifetime. A legacy of good deeds lasts forever.”
Ready to Proceed?
If you would like to proceed and join us by making your Life & legacy commitment today, please fill out the Declaration of Intent in link (or posting) below. If you would also like to formalize/confirm your gift, kindly fill out the Legacy Gift Confirmation form below as well.
Mailing Information
Each/both forms can be mailed or emailed to:
Jeanine Dupas, Assistant Coordinator
(954) 929-5690 X 314
Holocaust Documentation & Education Center, Inc.
303 N. Federal Highway
Dania Beach, FL 33004
ATTN: Life & Legacy
Together We Strive
We all strive to leave the world a better place for our children, and grandchildren through our good deeds and generosity.

Broward County Student Awareness Day December 2019
Giving A Legacy
This could be the most important gift you ever make.
LIFE & LEGACY is an innovative new program to help our community secure resources for generations to come.
Congratulations to our HDEC LIFE & LEGACY Donors!