Sousa Mendes Foundation presents: “The Children of Chabannes”
Sousa Mendes Foundation presents: “The Children of Chabannes”
Ghetto Fighters’ House Museum presents: “Talking Memory – Artistic Representations of the Plight of the Elderly in Terezin, 1942-1944 ”
The Nazi ghetto of Theresienstadt (Terezin in Czech) near Prague, is often remembered for the incredible cultural endeavors of its Jewish inmates: in appalling conditions and in the shadow of deportations to death, the Jews there created art, held concerts and...
Sousa Mendes Foundation presents: “Disobedience: The Sousa Mendes Story, film discussion”
Sousa Mendes Foundation presents: “Disobedience: The Sousa Mendes Story, film discussion”

80 Years After Aktion Reinhard: The Industrial Killing of European Jewry 3rd Program in Series in Treblinka: The Tangible Witnesses
80 Years After Aktion Reinhard: The Industrial Killing of European Jewry 3rd Program in Series in Treblinka: The Tangible Witnesses

The Fritz Ascher Society presents “Seven Murals by Philip Orenstein (b. 1938) – A French-Jewish Perspective on France During World War II”
Fritz Ascher Society presents “Seven Murals by Philip Orenstein (b. 1938) – A French-Jewish Perspective on France During World War II”, Philip Orenstein and Dr. Nadine M. Orenstein in conversation