The Holocaust Documentation and Education Center is proud to co-sponsor the Community Observance of Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach.

we regret to inform you that Avshi Weinstein’s beloved Father, Amnon Weinstein, has passed away.
It is with a very heavy heart and profound sadness, that we regret to inform you that Avshi Weinstein’s beloved Father, Amnon Weinstein, has passed away. As many of you know, Avshi Weinstein is the curator of the Violins of Hope Exhibition currently on view at the...
Irena’s Vow – South Florida Premier Screening
The Holocaust Documentation and Education Center is delighted to present the premier South Florida Screening of Irena’s Vow, in cooperation with Quiver Distribution. Through the eyes of a strong-willed woman comes the remarkable true story of Irena Opdyke and...
HDEC’s 2024 Annual Online Raffle
This is the 5th week since we launched our “HDEC’s 2024 Annual Online Raffle” and we are delighted to report that we now have raised $6900, hitting the 13% mark. Our goal this year is to raise $50,000 by June 14, 2024, and we know we can count on you to help us reach...