State of Florida Commissioned Teacher Training Resource Manuals
The State of Florida Department of Education commissioned the Center to write the first statewide resource manuals on Holocaust studies for grades, K-3, 4-6 and 9-12. These manuals, plus the manuals for grades 7-8, have been distributed to all private, public and parochial schools in the state of Florida.
They are available to teachers in CD-ROM form and can also be downloaded here for educational use.
HDEC has also compiled the following resources for Teachers: Bibliography, Filmography and Webography.
If you are looking for other Holocaust-related educational links – Click HERE.
This manual uses children’s literature to develop key concepts within the realm of character education. Students are given the opportunity to view the actions and motivations of fictional characters and through the literature explore their own feelings and attitudes.
This manual uses children’s literature for the students in grades four through six to develop key concepts to gain an understanding of the historical significance of the Holocaust, learn historical facts, and develop respect and appreciation for diversity, human rights and social responsibility.
This manual uses children’s literature for the students in grades seven through eight to develop key concepts to gain an understanding of the historical significance of the Holocaust, learn historical facts, and develop respect and appreciation for diversity, human rights and social responsibility.

This guide is arranged chronologically into ten independent, standardized units including a quote, introduction, vocabulary, objectives, content material, suggested activities, additional activities and reading with benchmarks.